Welcome to The Banzai! Blogrollz, where my fellow blogmates’ blogs/websites/communities are found. If you would like to request for a link exchange, simply comment on this page by entering your blog URL in the comment and of course, some comments like the type of blog you have. If you are worried about privacy issues, you may also contact us by sending us an email – support AT secrettorich D0T com
If your website’s blogroll supports blog banners, we have a range of sizes for you to choose and add it on your site (we do not recommend hotlinking , please host the image on your server instead, many thanks!):
These are the 4 banners that are currently available, you may resize them to suit your website, there is also one animated banner (credits to nutcase23). More to come in the upcoming time ^^
Cheers and Happy Blogging! :D
The Banzai! Effect Team
@datebayo695 @whypezberry mais de rien, on vous attend tout les deux du coup :D
datebayo695 (@datebayo695) 08,02,2017Follow
Rencontrez Asuna en réalité virtuelle! Equipé d’un casque de réalité virtuelle, Asuna apparaît et interagit avec v…
All the Anime France (@alltheanime_fr) 07,02,2017Follow
RT @AnimeMangaTweet: ¡SORTEAMOS ESTE SET DE PÓSTERS! Para participar da RT a este tweet y sigue a @insertcoinstore Info:…
Anime & Manga (@AnimeMangaTweet) 07,02,2017Follow
News: Your First Look at the Boys of the "TsukiPro" Anime
Crunchyroll (@Crunchyroll) 08,02,2017
Hi! I’d like to have a link exchange with my anime/figure blog Tangerine Tango ( :)
Here’s the banner:
Thank you very much! *bows*
Hi, I’d like to request for a link exchange for my anime, otaku, fanart blog at (
No banner,
Arigatou gozaimasu.
added u
Hi, I like to request for a link exchange, my blog is about figures, cosplay and photography.
added ! :)
Hello !
Sorry to use comments to contact you, but I shall want to know if you could make me a banner of your site 130×48 to add it to my favourites. If it’s possible, don’t hesitate to contact me at the address that I indicated for this comment. Thank you in advance!
hi Leonia, it is ok, dun b sorry. i sent u a email alrdy
I request for a link/banner exchange with Banzai Effect.
My blog is about anime and other otaku related news.
and here’s my banner
hi from Italy, i d like to be added, off course i ll place your banner in my blog. Thankz ^^
about my blog: news bout Gundam/Gunpla, Japan collectibles, Cosplay, etc etc, “I’m a 44 y.o. italian otaku ^^”
best regards^^
Hello there~!
Wonderful site. Would like to add my site to here too~!
Other than the Japanese pop culture, I do lots on public transport in Singapore and Japan too. Hope that this unique fusion will bring more entertainment to more readers out there~!
Terence Au
sorry for the wols reply. i added u
Hi there, akinari-kun here, admin of SUTORAIKUanime. Just letting you know that we’ve just revived and taken over the dead Yukan Blog (inactive for two years), and we’ll be posting your site in our sidebar “links” section. No need to link as for now, we don’t have any site banners yet!