S.O.Y.A 2009 @ Ngee Ann Polytechnic
S.O.Y.A.(Start Of Year Again) Cosplay convention is back again at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Taking photos for blogs or any community sites requires a media pass and luckily, we got ourselves a pass. Nonetheless, it is an awesome event with brilliant hosts and our well beloved cosplayers. With this special coverage post, it will be separated into 2 parts. The first by nutcase23 followed by oOgA – each with our own opinions and our favorite cosplayer of the event.
Note: This post is loaded with pics – a good bandwidth is recommended to view this post
a sweet looking banner….
nutcase23′s SOYA hunt
Eager as always, me and my pals headed down early to catch the event. We were greeted by the banner shown below…
For those who have been to SOY 08 or followed my post back in Anime Banzai!, you would recognise this as the old SOY banner. I don’t know if this is a joke or an indication that the economic downturn affects even cosplayers (bless their costume budgets). However, the fact that this was the very first banner to greet us certainly gave us some laughs and perhaps a little foreboding. I was relieved to see the ACTUAL banner as displayed above though.
So I went to collect our media passes. As oOgA mentioned, they decided to implement camera and media controls this time and required that all cameras be registered and all photographers taking pictures for commercial sites/blogs/etc be registered for a media pass. I know it’s just a piece of white printed paper with my name on it. It just somehow gives a feeling that we have come some distance ever since we started out you know (read: big ego boost in spite of reality ^^”). We don’t get media passes for AFA’08 or whatever though >_>”.
TAIKO Performance
I managed to catch the Taiko performance by the JTC (vid above). Not a bad performance and i certainly enjoyed it. You may want to turn up the volume as it is abit soft (it’s a compact, not a DV camcorder).
Just a heads up, you may find some of the pictures that I and oOgA post to be similiar. While we try to avoid it, I feel that different angles sometimes warrant another look at the subject. Let’s go then.
Below we have Kyon and Tamura Hiyori from Lucky Star. She sang a great rendition of “Valentine Kiss” from Prince of Tennis for the karaoke competition. Those who have watched Lucky Star would remember it as the song sung by Tsukasa in episode 6′s ED.
Kyon is in despair that he’s stuck with a fujoushi XDDD
We also have some cosplayers doing a cosplay of the PS2 Haruhi and gang (I think). They put up a pretty good performance in the group cosplay category. Unfortunately, the other team’s “Micheal Gundam” proved a little too side-splitting and won the fight. oOgA will elaborate a little more on that.
“With your powers combined, I am Captain Planet”
Cosplayers need energy and so tea parties are present too.
Once fed they are ready for action and level E vampire killing.
What would we do without Vocaloids?
I wonder how long would it take for a Megurine Luka cosplayer to show up. And where’s Meiko?
We got a pretty decent crowd down there even though there was another cosplay event taking place somewhere else.
Some Code Geass…
And here’s one for you Cardcaptor Sakura fans.
And a re-appearance of a familiar face sent many photographers flocking to her.
We also had some Nabari no Ou cosplayers as well.
To help you recover from your shock (or happiness as the case may be), here’s some shots of Shakugan no Shana cosplay.
And here are some more shots of various cosplayers.
Kind of unlucky to see something like this during Chinese New Year if you ask me =P
I don’t know who she is but the costume is sure as hell pretty
She cosplayed as the usagi-mimi Haruhi down at Cosfest last year. Cute as always.
Touhou + Trap
And as usual, there’s always a graffiti board.
I have no idea what is going on though.
If I were to pick a cosplayer who caught my attention the most, it would be the one who cosplayed as Yoshida Kazumi from Shakugan no Shana. I believe “moe” would be the right word to use here? ^^
Not forgetting the awesome Shana cosplay of course
All in all a very enjoyable event. Although there were many delays and technical issues (which seemed to have carried forward from last year ^^”), the two MCs did an EXCELLENT job in keeping the crowd entertained throughout the delays and elicted many laughs from the audience.
The 2 MCs and the (now) infamous “Micheal Gundam”
Being a non-commercial affair, SOYA (and by extension End-Of-Year) has a kind of homegrown community feel that the big flashy exhibitions do not and cannot convey. In what commercial event can you find MCs that can joke and apologise so casually through delays? (Without the audience screaming for their money back anyway). It is truly like our old blog’s motto, “For fans, by fans” and I greatly respect all the people who put in the effort to organise stuff like this.
Japanese Tsubasa Club, good job!
Btw, I wonder if anyone spotted me? Black TTGL shirt with red “Dancho” armband anyone? XDDD
Obligatory “this picture proves I was there “pic
oOgA’s SOYA hunt
oOgA: I wasn’t able to make it in the morning (as I woke up late :P ) hence my photos were taken from the afternoon onwards. The crowds get more and more as some of the people came from other cosplay events. One of which was Cosplay Challenge.
Armed and Ready … With Cameras
Green hair, pink hair and orange hair.. :P I loved how the girl with the pink wig smiled ^^
Death Note. Nice braces. ^^”
hmm..I am not familar with the characters… Cardcaptor? LOL :X
Well prepared.. ;)
A very nice pose with a very nice smile. **pic was photoshopped**
Left 4 Dead – Bill!
oOgA: I am sure many people in this event is aware of this cosplayer who did Bill from the popular co-op shooting game – Left 4 Dead and his antics were really funny and caught the attention of the crowd. Nice rifle there. Pipebomb anyone?
nice pose there
hmm..who is she cosplaying ?
i like the way she hold the sword.
nice smile xD
A very nice Hatsune Miku cosplayer!
she is from rozen maiden ?
nice weapon..
nice costume there
The girl i spotted in AFA before… !!
Luckily for the cosplayers, the weather was pretty cloudy and a lil windy. It wasn’t really that hot and the sky was shrouded by the clouds in the late afternoon. I doubt anyone complained about the weather. I spotted a few familar faces again in SOYA – one of which was my “fave” cosplayer from AFA 08 (refers to the pic above)..
dim pic..
Yaoi alert!?
nice !!
The Medic from Team Fortress 2
The Medic with his melee weapon…to cut the bin into half
I spotted this guy cosplaying as a Medic from Team Fortress 2 smoking by the bin. Noticed that posture he had was “interesting” enough so I requested for a photo of him with his cigar. tsk… Thanks for intro me the site to TF2chan, will be checking it out. Medics are my best allies in-game :D
duet? :P
Shakugan no SHANA team
Lucky Star- Tsukasa and Minami with Macross Frontier- Ranka Lee
TRAP?! TRAP!?!!?
Cloud from FF7:AC. Nice costume, loved that big sword too!
i am bad at taking indoor photos.. :P zoomed this pic from the rear
another shot from the rear.
Most of the late afternoon was spent in the lecture hall where there were interesting skits and performances. Those who went will find that there were quite a few impromptu and the hosts did a very good job in handling the overall show. Kudos to them!
Birthday cake for the event organiser – Togusa (hope I get that right :P )
Luckily for this event, there was a Lost & Found corner. I found a lost Sony Ericcson walkman phone which I informed the event organiser about it. Hope it was found by the owner.
the ub3r singer .. she sang Diamond Crevasse
Cosplayer for FF7: AC – Reno
Single Cosplay Comptetion
Haruhi team for Group Cosplay
Gundam 00 team …guess who is the girl
the girl who performed the Macross Frontier song.. :O
Michael Gundam… beware..
a mysterious spy uncloaked himself suddenly and was armed with a…video cam. (Spy from Team Fortress 2)
FF7:AC host “Tifa” for SOYA 2009
FF7: AC host “Aerith” for SOYA 2009
The Cosplayer who left a deep impression…
oOgA: The 2 hosts did a really good job there running the entire show together, only complaint I have is that the place is a lil cramped but overall, it is still ok. I hope everyone enjoyed SOYA 2009 because I did. :) Unfortunately, I did not go to the Singapore Discovery Center for the Cosplay Challenge so there won’t be any coverage for that event.
Stay tuned for the upcoming post where I am gonna put the videos that I took during the event… one of which was an awesome “Left 4 Dead” sketch. Yes, you aint hearing it wrong. Zombie Miku with leeks..anyone ?
Once again, Kudos to the Japanese Tsubasa Club for bringing us such a wonderful event!
You can just taste the irony of this picture
blahhh darn i missed it all. mug mug
the crowd looks kinda sparse though… hurhur
“I don’t know who she is but the costume is sure as hell pretty”
If you’re referring to the girl in the golden dress, I believe she is Himawari from xxxHolic (:
Nice pictures! The cosplayers also looking good, I like the Shana team cosplay xD
It seems that there are a lot of people who went there… xD But I couldn’t come because I got extra class yesterday… ;_;
OMG i think i see myself……
in the armed and ready with camera.. picture XD
The girl who was wearing the pink dress and hat with blue hair is cosplaying as Ciel from Kuroshitsuji.
Good job with the pictures! :)
thanks for the pictures.
am the PS2 haruhi
Seems like a really small con but there were also some good cosplays there. Nice shots here.
mugging huh..all the best man ;)
*tracking …*
many thanks ;D
whoa..haruhi-sama is here xD u guys put up a good show man. ;)
yea.. it is an average convention held in a lecture hall, I was suprised with the number of cosplayers, given that there were other events taking place on that day as well.
oOgA: u know that cosplay that u were wondering if it might be Rozen? it isn’t, it’s from Kuroshitsuji…and technically it is not a trap cosplay :P crossdressed shota = loli XD
i cosplayed ceil phantomhive (kuroshitsuji) for soya
The one with the pink dress and roses
Lovely pics..^^ i stealz mine…XD
ah ic..didnt watch that series though.
cheers, do link me if u have a blog or site. :)
Tifa here haha!
OMG unglam on stage photos! /o\ but nevertheless, thanks for the photos! 8D
glad you all thought we did alright! (:
Euphemia-himesama! i have failed you as your knight! damn u Lelouch!
Kazumi looks cute. love her expression, very much like her anime counterpart.
and Simca! wohoo! and Tieria!
i submitted for a pass but didn’t receive any e-mail reply. u got it? or just redeem on the spot? anyway i don’t see the justification for a pass so that one can take pictures and publish it.
haha…it aint unglam, u gals did an awesome hosting there. cheers!
i submitted, didnt receive email too but it is registered, u juz need to identify ur details at the booth counter
Traps everywhere O_O but nice shots guys.
@Raine: Himawari from xxxHOLIC? Seriously? Kinda hard to make the link just from the anime lol
Nice coverage of the event !
the banner @ e busstop was an inside joke on
RRR’s reduce reuse and recycle.^^
SAVE the enviroment !
maybe next yr u’ll see 2 of those….
Simca here. Thanks for taking the pic. =]
Erh…You were at AFA? =/
we were there at AFA
lol..recycle ftw
.___. no memory…stm has taken over again….
Hi there, I was the Shiki Senri cosplayer of VK, do you mind sending me the full resolution of the two shots?
Thanks! :D
anyone got youtube link to the karaoke competition?
Posted February 1, 2009 at 10:33 PM
Posted February 1, 2009 at 10:57 PM
Posted February 2, 2009 at 3:33 AM
Posted February 2, 2009 at 3:59 AM
Posted February 2, 2009 at 9:01 AM
Posted February 2, 2009 at 5:46 PM
Posted February 2, 2009 at 6:04 PM
Posted February 2, 2009 at 8:28 PM
Posted February 4, 2009 at 11:37 PM
Posted February 5, 2009 at 7:14 PM
Posted February 5, 2009 at 9:41 PM
Posted February 5, 2009 at 9:42 PM
Posted February 8, 2009 at 8:34 AM
Posted February 12, 2009 at 12:55 PM
Posted February 12, 2009 at 8:24 PM
Posted March 11, 2009 at 3:43 PM
Posted March 30, 2009 at 6:14 AM
Posted March 30, 2009 at 12:09 PM
Posted April 21, 2009 at 1:59 PM
Posted May 17, 2009 at 2:35 PM
Posted July 16, 2009 at 12:57 PM
Posted March 26, 2010 at 2:14 AM
it is at the other post –
Haha, the girl in the pink dress? She’s no trap!! Trust me, I definitely know!
But I love the angle you took my dress at, it shows the ruffles really well, although my face is a lil lol-shocked.
u loved the angle ? which pic are u referring to ? :)
@nutcase – Yes it is himawari from xxxholic. It is from one of the illustrations from the manga. ^^
@ post authors – thankiex for the pictures~ Am the girl in the golden dress ^^
@ oOga:
Haha, the touhou ones, as well as vic’s (gold dress). She looks gorgeous in them!!
ah..so u are the girl in the golden dress. u look awesome in that. ;)
ermm..may i know which pics u referring to ? :)
am not too familiar with VK.
.___. anything is possible when I can forgot my age at a point of time. >.<
Nope! I’m not Vic, but that’s her in that spectacular gold dress if you were wondering. XD
now thats pretty scary.. :P
yea i know… =) she made the comment above juz now. ^^
Hi! Sorry for not mentioning, yup the two shots (picnic and after XD) to
Thanks alot!
pro photography!
pro? nah… it is just normal
@Revive: Sent.
The Banzai! Effect, providing free cosplay photography services since……..last year I think…. XDD
Just kidding dah…
Woah thanks for posting these since I wasn’t there ^_^
Hahahaha! Bill from L4D that’s very nice…too bad there wasn’t any Zoey around. I reckon cosplaying Hunter would be the most feasible of all the zombies.
no prob. hope u like our pics XD
@virgin undergrad
yea..having a hunter cosplayer is really cool..but i bet the smoker would look more comical
GAH! i want to go… XD i love the banner. the best we have here in aust is animania! =.=”
thanks for the coverage… * abit slow on checking on the coverage…*
cheers! ;D
The girl in that pretty dress which you thought she’s from Rozen Maiden?
She’s cosplaying as Ciel Phantomhive from Kuroshitsuji, fyi. :)
the girl wearing the white dress with grey headress and cross is cosplaying tender shall, who is a ball jointed doll made by company dream of doll ^^
this is so cool!!1 wish i had that back in school.
the one with the label that you said its the girl you spotted in AFA, she’s cosplaying Simca of Air Gear
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