credits of pic: animesuki forums
From an unknown spot of the internet, we grew as a young seedling slowly and steadily and originated our roots from Anime Banzai! Now, we have reached our first mini milestone (based on Google Analytics) of 100,000 visits. Might not be impressive but yea, I am just as happy as any blog elsewhere who reach this milestone. ^_^
For the past 6 months plus, we have covered mainly aspects of animes, event coverages, figurines (credits to nutcase23), otaku related culture articles and many more. The occasional inclusion of photo coverages of events and personal photos was pretty warmly welcomed. In addition, we moved on as collaboration of helping in managing Otakucafe in Vr-zone Forums, also a means of having it as our forums.
Sub-domain applications for cosplay clubs (Singapore only) is still open as well.. ^^
Despite busy work schedule, I am thinking of possibilities like having a sub domain dedicated to gaming (lol!) and maybe having my flash banner above to serve as advertisement role? (cheap!). Well..who knows :P
Many thanks for those who had supported our site and our fellow writers who had contributed their content! Do visit us often.. ;)
Top 4 articles from the start of TBE creation (article name/no. of visits/% of total visits)
3,272 | 2.05% |
3,049 | 1.91% |
1,852 | 1.16% |
1,829 | 1.14% |
Top 5 Browsers Used
1. |
2. |
Internet Explorer
3. |
4. |
5. |
Top 5 Screen Resolutions
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
So many statistics…… >_<
Yay, keep blogging guys.
*blogs tons more about hentai** gratz everyone!
Hey! Is that Yui!?
Ohhh..We’re did you take the photo….so moe….
yes from K-on
i didnt take the photo. it is from animesuki forums :P
Congrats!! and keep on going =D
Hur hur hur hur.. :D
Another milestone for us (not that I have done much lately) ^^
And late comment is late..>_<
XD my screen resolution is 1920×1200. Thats a 24′ mac for ya though XD. Although they arent that common, so i guess its why it didnt come into the top 5s XD