Yet another upgrade

After only a year plus a few months of using my dear Mayu-chan (Nikon D5000), I have taken the next step and upgraded.

To be honest, when I got my D5000 I didn’t envision myself progressing this fast to my next camera.

Then again, I didn’t realise my scope would expand to more than what my D5000 could offer me. While I regret not buying a D90 back then, I do not regret buying Mayu-chan.

As such, Mayu-chan will move on to her new owner whom I hope will take good care of her whilst I get acquainted with my new weapon of mass PEW PEW PEW 8D.

Even them figus are acknowledging their new master 8D

Tags: D5000, D7000, nikon

About the Author

nutcase23 blogs mainly about his figurines as well as cosplay and anime related events occurring in Singapore. With his trusty camera, he stalks exhibition halls and event grounds, taking shots for the blog as well as himself. Is a rabid fan of Lucky Star.