Ask Junko! - Full Metal Feminist: Episode One
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Sometimes creative people resort to unusual methods to deal with emotional pain. For me I get my fictional daughter to smack me over the head when I get too emo, even when I sometimes think my pain is more significant than her whacking me over the head.
Yeah, this episode is a two pager about me dealing with a girl rejecting me, and I’m really sorry this Ask Junko! episode was late for so long. I’ve managed to figure out how to draw more efficiently in a better manga style, which might not show in these somewhat rushed panels but does show in the draft pages for an illustrated novel I’ve been working on for three years so far.
Junko and I have an understanding, both of us know she isn’t real, but that doesn’t mean she has to put up with my crap. Sometimes she worries about me, in a sense, because as bad as my behaviour is in this webmanga episode, in real life it can get even worse when I feel alienated or lonely.
- Jake the Mangaka / NewGeekPhilosopher
Yeah, guys, the next Ask Junko! is a lot happier, I’m four pages in and it’s going to be a review of the Watchmen movie. As you can imagine contemplating pop culture in the white pliable void of my imagination is heavy stuff, and even harder to draw. The art has teething issues, but hopefully by Episode 370 we should see some decent art you’d see in your more traditional manga.
Please leave your comments on this one, I need all the advice I can get.
- NewGeekPhilosopher / Jake the Mangaka
[...] of you may have noticed that the new Ask Junko! episode is up, and while the art is disappointing I believe I had a good sense of humor about myself angsting [...]
Jake, you really need help. You have not finished the final phases of our lesson.
Tadao, let me make this clear. I do not want your lesson. All you have given me is a lack of faith in the forum community you came from, and you’ve bullied and stalked me ever since. I tried deleting your first comment on my blog where you followed me to, and that clearly didn’t work, because here you are trying to make my life hell again.
There’s a reason I haven’t come back to I-Mockery forums, and it’s you. You are the demagogue who turned those guys against me, just because I might have been a little crazy then doesn’t mean I’m not getting better now.
You mocked me because I was an anime fan and a writer who self published one or two projects on You gave me no chance to redeem myself from whatever misunderstanding that started this feud between us. All you wanted to do was point and laugh at the retard kid and post his dorky Year 10 high school formal photo you stole from my LibraryThing account all over the forums you posted on, just to humiliate me and try to make me believe I was worthless as a human being.
I left I-Mockery for a long time because frankly I was sick of being treated like crap by that community, and I was too young and naive to realise I deserved better, so I tried to gain your acceptance. But even that was denied to me, and you proceeded to laugh at me even more when my “girlfriend” turned out to be a delusion brought on by my isolation at the time. I won’t let you destroy what hope I have left because you’ve stalked me all the way to my anime blog projects.
You say I need help, and I sure as hell do, but I don’t trust you to give it to me. As far as I know you’ll lull me into a false sense of security like last time and humiliate me further.
Jake! Let me try to put it this way.
You took on the role of a hero. You can’t be a hero without a villain. This is the final phase! You will be able to earn your heroism badge on your own ground.