Black Rabbit Shooter @ Ozine Fest 2010


Yes, I made a short trip to the Philippines to attend Ozine Fest 2010, one of the many ACG events that were held there. Invited by the organisers to be one of the Cosplay competition judges for the individual category, I figured I might have trouble understanding the local language (Tagalog) but my worries were unfounded. Nearly everyone there speaks English well to some extent.

Ozine Fest was very similar to the ACG events held in Singapore and Malaysia. The big crowd, the numerous cosplayers milling about, photographers with big lenses, I can’t help but to feel a sense of deja-vu. The only key difference is that unlike Singapore or Malaysia, you can’t really do any sort of photoshooting outside of the shopping mall area as there is a need for permits before taking any pictures.

Being a judge is not really fun, as I and two other judges had to decide the winners among the 300+ cosplayers who took part. I saw some pretty amazing cosplays (another key difference being that there is a more balanced ratio of male to female cosplayers compared to our local events), so its worth the trouble. It felt surreal being on stage to give away the prizes to the winning cosplayers too.

Anyway, I would highly recommend visiting the Philippines for their events as well as for the people’s kind hospitality and awesome food. Everything is cheap and nice and the arcade machines there are pretty up to date! In the meantime, enjoy the shots I took while I was there.

About the Author

Hailing from the North (aka Malaysia), this gentleman have seen everything from ninjas to robots within the local cosplay community as a photographer/cosplayer. Currently, he aims to showcase some of the region's best cosplay to the world, and to excel in other genres of photography as well.