The Banzai! Network
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- EOY 2010 Backdrop Design Contest ! September 23, 2010
- Activating North American Access For StarCraft II SEA Edition September 22, 2010
- Tales of Graces F Demo Delayed, New Trailers Released September 22, 2010
- HMO Hatsune Miku Itasha September 22, 2010
- Genshiken Manga Returns September 22, 2010
- AFA X: “I LOVE ANISONG” Ticketing Prices Announced In Detail September 21, 2010
- Malware On SGCafe ? What Actually Happened September 21, 2010
- Teenage’s Big Day Out! The Audition Edition September 21, 2010
- TGS 2010: Yun and Yang In Super Street Fighter IV Arcade September 18, 2010
- TGS 2010: Guys In Idolmaster 2 September 18, 2010
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Wonder Festival 2010 Summer Is Happening Now
25 July 2010 11:19 AM | No Comments -
Some Changes To Our Site (Pls read if you are one of our readers)
20 July 2010 1:58 PM | No Comments -
AFA X Confirmed For Singapore
19 July 2010 2:32 PM | No Comments -
Ar Tonelico 3 DLCs Available Now
13 July 2010 11:37 PM | No Comments -
New Vocaloid “Lily”
08 July 2010 10:21 PM | 1 Comment
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Fan Made Videos Archive
K-ON! x Working! OP MAD, Simply Epic
Posted on June 21, 2010 | 2 CommentsProlly the best crossover video ever with K-ON! girls in Working! OP, army of Yui, anyone? -
K-ON!! x MMD – Pure Pure Heart
Posted on June 3, 2010 | 4 CommentsMMD creations are all over youtube and streaming sites but this particular video caught my eye. It features a insert song that was featured in K-ON!!. Titled Pure Pure Heart, the video shines with Mio in megane.. :3 That's right though I still prefer Azu-nyan in a way. :P -
Fan Made Video: Love Is War Hatsune Miku Cosplay PV
Posted on March 20, 2010 | No CommentsA very nicely made fan video of Love is War, a Hatsune Miku Cosplay PV. Special thanks to zeratul for the video upload on youtube. -
Hatsune Miku – Christmas is a Part-time Job
Posted on December 22, 2009 | 1 CommentA very cute and lovely fan-made video of Miku that originated from Nico Nico Douga. Song tittle's Christmas is a part time job. This is an original Christmas song by すももP featuring Hatsune Miku. What are you guys planning on Christmas Eve ? -
Video: Miku, Rin,Meiko Brings You Four Xmas Songs
Posted on December 21, 2009 | No CommentsThe season's here and Miku, Rin and Meiko brings you 4 lovely Christmas songs ! This video was originally found on Nico and later ported over to Youtube, courtesy of motokokusanagi2009 . What is your favorite song for Christmas ? Mine is still Jingle bells. ^^ Thanks Haruki for the tipoff -
AHSoft Vocaloids Storm The Net !
Posted on December 6, 2009 | 2 CommentsAHSoft's vocaloids have stormed various media streaming sites, including the popular Nico and Youtube, a challenge to Crypton's Vocaloids. Well, they can be friends (at least to the fans :3 ) but they do sound good especially for Miki in my opinion. Here are some songs you can find on youtube which is my fave. AHSoft have Kaai Yuki, Hiyama Kiyoteru, and Miki for now -
Angry Girl Destroys Boyfriend’s PS3 With Hammer
Posted on December 6, 2009 | 4 CommentsAn interesting youtube video that surfaced in November 24th has garnered an interesting number of views (200,000+ as of today). Apparently, this girl is angry that his boyfriend does not have a job, and prolly not paying the bills, gets angry. The result ? Hammer smash on the PS3 while the boyfriend plays Ghostbusters. Netizens have filled with rage and laughter ^^ on the comments section. -
Taiga x Shana Boing Parody
Posted on November 1, 2009 | 1 CommentBoin..Boin...BOING!! A very simple parody comparison between Taiga (Toradora) and Shana-tan (Shakgun no SHANA). The comparison was between 2 scenes where Taiga describes to Ryuuji while Shana-tan describes to Yuuji. It's LOL :P -
7 Voices From The Same Guy, A Tribute To Michael Jackson
Posted on October 3, 2009 | 4 CommentsThis is a very impressive performance being put up by a Yale Junior, making a name for himself by honoring the legendary Michael Jackson and along with his friend who did some nice video editing to make it look like 7 people on the stage (which is actually the same person but different clothes). -
M. Bison in Mario World
Posted on September 25, 2009 | 2 CommentsImba Bison literally cleared the stage of Mario with a Psycho Crusher... -_-'' Do you still play the old Street Fighterand Mario nowadays ? Miss the retro times. -
Hiiragi Sisters In The Dance !
Posted on September 16, 2009 | 1 CommentCheck out this nice CG dance of the Hiirgai sisters accompanied by a nice music, very nice physics although we wish there are some facial expressions ^^ . 柊姉妹に物理演算を組み込んでみ た. Video by marchepan, credits to Arayden for sharing this lovely video. -
Miku Fest 09 – Hatsune Miku Live on Stage
Posted on September 7, 2009 | 3 CommentsThrough the use of holographic technology (or at least that is what I think those transparent panes that she is projected on are), Hatsune Miku now appears on stage just (almost) like any normal idol. Is this the future I wonder? -
Voca-ON! Cagayake! GIRLS
Posted on September 6, 2009 | 2 CommentsA fanmade video combining popular Vocaloids and the K-ON Opening sequence. Includes Hatsune Miku, Rin, Len, and Megurine Lukka. Omg IMBA! -
RedZone / KonataZone / ToraZone / LuckyStar Initial D Zone….what?
Posted on March 2, 2009 | 1 CommentAs I was bored, I decided to surf for nonsensical videos on youtube. If you are a fan of Dance Dance Revolution or Beatmania, you will probably recognize this song. -
Half-Life 2: Escape From City17 – Part I
Posted on February 14, 2009 | 2 CommentsThe Purchase Brothers, a commercial directing duo has made an awesome film titled Escape From City17. This video is inspired by the game Half-Life 2 and is a low budget yet well made fan video. Part II is nearing completion and by watching the video, they integrated real people, the Source engine to create this video.